
How can we ensure that they're not selling fakes?

They aren't authorized or registered doll sellers and offer no money-back guarantee. The most effective way to verify this is to call the seller directly and inquire whether the store you're buying at is registered as a retailer. If they're nonregistered, they're counterfeit.

The dolls are not branded, or at the very least not promoting the brand, and yet they're using official WM-Dolls professional photographs. The WM-Dolls brand is the top producer of sex dolls in the world and is the Nike to cheap sex dolls, if you can call them that... It's similar to using Nike's professional images to promote Fake Nike Air Max trainers and then saying that you created the trainers on your own and you created them in your own workshop. It's absurd.

Scammers sell their dolls for less than the cost of authentic dolls. In fact, they sell them at a lower price than the retail price of authentic custom sex doll of the World. This sounds too appealing to be real, doesn't it? That's because it's. However, in recent times, we've seen scammers selling their dolls at full price. their dolls, which isn't a reliable indicator of authenticity by itself.

So, what exactly is an authentic doll?

A fake sex model is fake, or replica dolls manufactured using stolen designs at an unlicensed and unsafe factory that has no credentials, safety inspections or quality control. The factories purchase a genuine doll purchased from an authentic company and reproduce it at their own manufacturing facility using the authentic images of the manufacturer and then use them to lure clients. Similar to the way you find designer bags that break after a few months that aren't right and look shabby, this is exactly the same, but with sex dolls that are sexually explicit. This is a total scam. The doll you get will be similar to the images, but it will be of a much lower quality, and will come with no guarantees on the production process, and no security checks, and won't meet the requirements of international standards for quality control to protect your personal safety. as well as being a stolen design as well as a criminal offence It's not a guarantee that the doll will not arrive damaged or break within a few weeks. If you purchase an imitation big booty sex doll on eBay, it's what you'll receive the cheapest fake doll. There are horror stories of buyers receiving dolls with a blow-up face that have been coated in silicone or dolls without a real anus or vagina What's the point in this? Beware of what you buy I'm sure everyone loves the bargain, and it's tempting to look for the most affordable doll however, a bit of patience along with a little investigation and some basic knowledge can make a huge difference in ensuring that you don't fall for a scam.



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